Government of Canada Launches Consultation on a Modern Copyright Framework for Online Intermediaries
Hi everyone, I came across this piece of news on the web today and could not help but feel compelled to share it with you all, given its relevance to our course material! I wonder what the impetus behind the launch of this initiative is. As far as I can tell, intermediaries are already well […]
Paper: Should intellectual property be exigible for seizure pursuant to a writ of execution to satisfy a judgment debt?
Hello everyone, Please find attached my project for LAW 422. Although it is not as thrilling as what everyone else has come up with, it deals with a topic I find completely fascinating. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it — if nothing else, you may be interested to […]
Using copyright for the removal of “revenge pornography” online
Hello friends, I came across an interesting article in researching a paper for another class. I found it really remarkable because it highlights the extent of issues copyright can concern itself with: in this case, copyright infringement principles can be used by victims of “revenge pornography” (i.e. the non-consensual distribution of private sexual imagery) to […]
EU Study Reveals Positive Links Between Intellectual Property Ownership and Economic Performance
Happy Friday everybody! I just thought I would share an interesting article I came across this evening that briefs a recent report published by the European Union Intellectual Property Office. In 2015, a EUIPO study found that companies in the European Union with at least one patent, trademark or registered design “record higher revenues per employee […]
Proud Boys trademark owner surrenders registration over “toxicity”
Hi everyone, I just wanted to share something I found during a late night Reddit crawl. The owner of the trademark for Proud Boys — now a designated terrorist organization — has reportedly surrendered the organization’s trademark to the USPTO after leaving the group. As the article says, “The use of a trademark is notable […]
How can small (black-owned) businesses protect themselves from “predatory” trademark practices?
Hello everyone, I came across a really interesting article earlier this week that I thought I would share. I’m sure we’ve all heard about instances where black content creators — whether they be artists, fashion designers, musicians, etc. — have had their work stolen by larger companies or personalities. This article is an interview with one […]