Beyond Functionality: Colgate’s Victory in Trademark Protection for Aesthetic Design
At some point, some of us have wondered how Colgate manages to keep the stripes in its toothpaste from mixing when squeezed out of the tube. This curiosity sparked a trend on the social media platform TikTok, where users tried to blend the distinct stripes of color within the toothpaste tube by applying pressure to the […]
IP in Music: An Interview with Hotae Alexander Jang
Hi Everyone! For my project, I conducted an informal interview with my brother, Alex, who works in the music industry. But as per my brother’s request, the link has now been removed. Thank you for watching 🙂
Overcoming Obstacles in the Registration Process: Apple Inc.’s Strategy for Securing the ‘APP STORE’ Trademark in Canada
This analysis provides an in-depth examination of Apple Inc.’s strategic efforts to secure and maintain the trademark registration for “APP STORE” within the context of Canadian Intellectual Property Law. For this purpose, I have reviewed all documents available in the Canadian Trademarks Database related to this word trademark. I found that Apple Inc., currently owns […]
In Memory of Pirate Joe’s (aka: “Irate Joe’s”)
While not a new development (Pirate Joe’s closed its doors in 2017), I was recently at a Trader Joe’s in Washington and remembered the days when we didn’t have to cross a border twice and drive 3 hours to get the good cheese. After looking up a few articles to see why the “smuggling store” […]
Week 11 Spring 2024 – Slides & Video
Slides & video below…
Another Sriracha Segue, and Some “Fowl” Humour…
To add some spice to a previous class discussion, this “shopper in a hurry” wanted to share what he recently found at No Frills. It’s yet another take on that same sriracha chili product! Despite having the exact same shape of bottle, the getup is otherwise distinct. As was noted, the lawyers for the no-name […]
Nipping it in the Bud: Corporate Giants Crack Down on Cannabis Copycats
Since the Canadian Government’s lauded legalization of recreational cannabis in 2018, much of the buzz seems to have worn off – both in terms of public / media attention and the “overgrown” market’s appetite for new start-ups.[1] However, in the legal world, this budding industry is still at the forefront when it comes to concerns around intellectual property. […]
Are Your Favourite Brand Collaborations Detrimental For The Brands’ Trademarks?
When I worked in-house for a national retail company, I was exposed to the various legal considerations behind collaborations with other brands. This prompted me to delve into co-branding and the strategic use of brand identities in marketing collaborations. Cross-brand collaborations are an increasingly popular way for brands to increase their exposure and reach new […]
The “Tech Suit” Controversy of 2009: How Patents Shaped the Market for Competitive Swimwear
As a former competitive speed swimmer, I have long been interested in racing swimsuit technologies, particularly the “tech suit” controversy of 2009. I used this project as an opportunity to investigate if and how IP law shaped the tech suit controversy, and how Speedo went from a position of market supremacy in August 2008 to […]
“High Impact System”: A Revised (or new?) Artificial Intelligence and Data Act
The Artificial Intelligence and Data Act (AIDA) is a large part of the Canadian government’s response to the wave of AI technologies that blew up seemingly out of nowhere in recent years. Ryan Black, DLA Piper’s Partner and formerly lead Clinic Adjunct for the Centre for Business Law at Allard, posted a detailed comparison between […]