RAGHAV: First (Registered) AI Author
Hi everyone! I want to elaborate more on the grant of copyright protection to an AI-generated work in the light of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office’s (“CIPO”) decision we mentioned during our classes. The registered work is Suryast painting below. Photo Credits: Sukanya Sarkar (ManagingIP.com) The co-authors identified are Raghav Artificial Intelligence Painting App […]
Fair Dealing for the Purpose of Pastiche: Conway ./. Eder, 15 O 551/19
Hi everyone! I would like to share a recent Berlin Regional Court decision (Conway ./. Eder, 15 O 551/19) that I think is related to both our exam question and our discussions on the Andy Warhol Found. v. Goldsmith et al.[1] This decision can be seen as a win regarding the appropriation art in the […]