Policy Considerations Underlying Initial Interest Confusion
Policy Considerations Underlying Initial Interest Confusion Hello everyone, Attached above is my term paper on policy considerations underlying initial interest confusion for anyone who is interested.
RAGHAV: First (Registered) AI Author
Hi everyone! I want to elaborate more on the grant of copyright protection to an AI-generated work in the light of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office’s (“CIPO”) decision we mentioned during our classes. The registered work is Suryast painting below. Photo Credits: Sukanya Sarkar (ManagingIP.com) The co-authors identified are Raghav Artificial Intelligence Painting App […]
Fair Dealing for the Purpose of Pastiche: Conway ./. Eder, 15 O 551/19
Hi everyone! I would like to share a recent Berlin Regional Court decision (Conway ./. Eder, 15 O 551/19) that I think is related to both our exam question and our discussions on the Andy Warhol Found. v. Goldsmith et al.[1] This decision can be seen as a win regarding the appropriation art in the […]