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Kim Dotcom: Caught on the Web

Kim Dotcom: Caught on the Web

Hello! This week I watched “Kim Dotcom: Caught on the Web”, a documentary about the founder of MegaUpload – a file-sharing business that profited largely from users illegally downloading music, movies and TV shows. It follows the buildup to his extradition hearing, which was claimed to be the largest copyright case the world has ever […]

Data Copyrighted in Pharmaceutical Sale

Data Copyrighted in Pharmaceutical Sale

Hello everyone! I came across this interesting article today: Although IP in the medical / drug setting is nothing new, I found it interesting that part of the IP bought by Revive Therapeutics was data related to getting FDA approval for the use of psilocybin. This reminded me of the issue raised in Geophysical […]

“Facebook blocks users in Australia from sharing news”

“Facebook blocks users in Australia from sharing news”

Hi Everyone! I’d like to share some recent developments in the European Union and Australia regarding controversial moves to make internet giants pay to post any news media on their platforms. Based on my understanding, in 2019 the European Union overhauled their copyright regime. A strict Copyright Directive was upheld by the courts which sought […]