Issues/Your Take

It’s time to consider a patent reprieve for COVID vaccine

It’s time to consider a patent reprieve for COVID vaccine

Nike sues MSCHF for Trademark Infringement over ‘Satan Shoes’

Nike sues MSCHF for Trademark Infringement over ‘Satan Shoes’

Hi everyone, I’ve attached an article I thought was interesting. Nike is suing art collective MSCHF for its release of ‘Satan Shoes’ in collaboration with musician Lil Nas X. The modified Nike Air Max 97s contain Satanic imagery, including a pentagram and a drop of blood suspended in the sole of the shoes. MSCHF’s limited […]

“Universities Threaten Virtual Campus Tour Business Over Trademarks”

“Universities Threaten Virtual Campus Tour Business Over Trademarks”

Hi Everyone, I came across this article about how colleges in the US have been sending cease and desist letters on the basis of trademark infringement to a business, LiveCampusTours, which is providing virtual campus tours by partnering with students who attend those colleges. Although this is a US context, I thought it was an […]

World’s first virtual house NFT sold by a Toronto artist

World’s first virtual house NFT sold by a Toronto artist

Hi everyone, NFTs are fast expanding, as illustrated in Dario’s and Meghan’s presentation on NFTs. My Google Assistant prompted me news about a virtual house NFT sold just a few days ago by a Toronto artist. It is a world’s first virtual house, sold for C$ 650,000 similar to the price of a one-bed condo […]

Presentation: NFT’s and Digital Art – Dario Balca and Meghan (Tian) Zhang

Presentation: NFT’s and Digital Art – Dario Balca and Meghan (Tian) Zhang

Hi class, Please enjoy the presentation Dario and I have prepared on NFT’s and Digital Art. The presentation is divided into two parts, in the first part, we introduce the concept of NFT’s and the basic IP laws they are likely to interact with. We further explore the implications NFT’s may have in the IP […]

Presentation: IP protection for Harry Potter spells

Presentation: IP protection for Harry Potter spells

Hi everyone, Please find attached my presentation on potential IP protection for Harry Potter spells. I hope you find the presentation fun and enjoyable. 422 – ip (presentation) Best, Cloud    

Marvel Studios and Genius Brands “Assemble”

Marvel Studios and Genius Brands “Assemble”

For all the comic book/ Marvel/ superhero show fans out there. An interesting article about a collaboration involving Marvell Studios and Genius Brands. The collaboration is over the use of Stan Lee’s (RIP) personal IP such as likeness, signature and name (amongst other things).

Tik Tok and Copyright

Tik Tok and Copyright

Hey Everyone, I thought this was an interesting article on copyright and Tik Tok. Our classes on copyright had me thinking about how “creators” put their content out to the world so effortlessly these days. People are mostly willing to encourage shares/imitations, but sometimes when things really go viral, the creator wants to enforce credit […]

Nicholas Allen, Colton Killoran and Seb Lloyd IP Project

Nicholas Allen, Colton Killoran and Seb Lloyd IP Project

Hi all, We have attached our project below. We chose to write on NFTs (seems to be a popular topic) with a focus on the music industry, NBA TopShot and Earth2.0. We addressed some notable issues that may/ are currently accompanying these applications. Enjoy and feel free to comment! 2021 IP Project Colton Killoran, Nicholas […]

Nike is suing MSCHF, the maker of Lil Nas X’s “blood shoe”

Nike is suing MSCHF, the maker of Lil Nas X’s “blood shoe”   Hi all,   You likely recall the artist Lil Nas X’s record-setting run atop the “Billboard Hot 100”, where his song “Old Town Road” stayed in the #1 spot for 17 straight weeks (overtaking Luis Fonsi’s “Despacito” and Mariah Carey’s “One Sweet Day”, both of which held the #1 spot for 16 weeks). […]