UK Copyright Lawsuit on the Bitcoin White Paper

UK Copyright Lawsuit on the Bitcoin White Paper

I came across this interesting article on a copyright infringement lawsuit, where an Australian man is suing for displaying a copy of the bitcoin white paper (which outlines the idea behind bitcoin) on its website. It is essentially a fight over proving authorship of the bitcoin white paper, and it made me think of […]

Settlement reached in IP Law dispute over EV Batteries

Settlement reached in IP Law dispute over EV Batteries

This is some follow up news to the main case study I used in my presentation.

EV-Battery Rivals Prod Biden With Rare Trade Veto in Balance

EV-Battery Rivals Prod Biden With Rare Trade Veto in Balance

I came across this interesting article while researching for my presentation. It’s a US trade secrets and patents dispute, but still interesting to show the role that government intervention could potentially have in an IP law dispute.

Paper/Presentation: IP Disputes are NOT Only About Law! The LG-SK Battery Dispute

Paper/Presentation: IP Disputes are NOT Only About Law! The LG-SK Battery Dispute

Hi everyone. For my paper/presentation, I’ve been following an IP Law dispute in the US involving two South Korean companies that manufacture batteries for electric vehicles.  The thing that caught my interest was how the actual ‘deciding factor’ is not really the law on intellectual property, but rather the two parties’ (LG and SK) negotiating […]