Issues/Your Take

Addendum to Paper: LATHER THE F@#K UP

Addendum to Paper: LATHER THE F@#K UP

In the course of researching my paper on s 9(1)(j) of the Trademarks Act I searched for various “dirty words” on the Trademark registry database. The majority of instances of applications featuring the word “fuck” were either pending or abandoned. There were only two with decisions: FITASFUK, which was registered, and LATHER THE F@#K UP, which […]

Addendum to presentation: TPM Anxiety

Addendum to presentation: TPM Anxiety

Hi friends, I wanted to post a brief addendum to my presentation, since upon reflection I’m not too satisfied with how shallowly it treats Nintendo America. Definitely erred on the vague side of op-ed styling. As mentioned earlier, the most concerning aspects of Nintendo America are the broad interpretation of TPMs and circumvention, and the […]

Government of Canada Launches Consultation on a Modern Copyright Framework for Online Intermediaries

Government of Canada Launches Consultation on a Modern Copyright Framework for Online Intermediaries

Hi everyone, I came across this piece of news on the web today and could not help but feel compelled to share it with you all, given its relevance to our course material! I wonder what the impetus behind the launch of this initiative is. As far as I can tell, intermediaries are already well […]

Settlement reached in IP Law dispute over EV Batteries

Settlement reached in IP Law dispute over EV Batteries

This is some follow up news to the main case study I used in my presentation.

Paper/Presentation: Fan Fiction in the Canadian Regime

Paper/Presentation: Fan Fiction in the Canadian Regime

Hello all! As a bit of a nerd who enjoys a lot of fan communities, I decided to do my short paper on fan fiction under Canada’s IP regime. Since I used footnotes, I’ve attached the paper as a PDF, and hope everyone enjoys reading it! Professor Festinger–please mark this as my assignment! 422 IP […]

EV-Battery Rivals Prod Biden With Rare Trade Veto in Balance

EV-Battery Rivals Prod Biden With Rare Trade Veto in Balance

I came across this interesting article while researching for my presentation. It’s a US trade secrets and patents dispute, but still interesting to show the role that government intervention could potentially have in an IP law dispute.

Paper/Presentation: IP Disputes are NOT Only About Law! The LG-SK Battery Dispute

Paper/Presentation: IP Disputes are NOT Only About Law! The LG-SK Battery Dispute

Hi everyone. For my paper/presentation, I’ve been following an IP Law dispute in the US involving two South Korean companies that manufacture batteries for electric vehicles.  The thing that caught my interest was how the actual ‘deciding factor’ is not really the law on intellectual property, but rather the two parties’ (LG and SK) negotiating […]

[Paper] Challenging the Ban on Offensive Marks: Is s 9(1)(j) F***ed?

[Paper] Challenging the Ban on Offensive Marks: Is s 9(1)(j) F***ed?

Hi everyone! My final paper is a brief memo on section 9(1)(j), which disallows “scandalous, obscene or immoral” marks. The full body is printed below, and I’ve attached a PDF copy if anyone would prefer that format. CONTENT WARNING: The paper discusses some offensive language, including slurs against racial minorities and members of the LGBTQ+ […]

Presentation: TPM Anxiety

Presentation: TPM Anxiety

Hi friends, for my presentation I dug a little deeper on TPMs, particularly their history and critics. Hope you enjoy! PS: Unfortunately Powerpoint is super inconsistent with audio in exported video, so there’s a few glitches throughout. Should still be entirely understandable though. If you want the pptx version feel free to reach out! […]

Not All is Fair & Lovely in Trademarks: How Changing Societal Climate May Force Companies to Reconsider their Choices

Not All is Fair & Lovely in Trademarks: How Changing Societal Climate May Force Companies to Reconsider their Choices

Hi everyone, this is my presentation/paper for the class. Please click on the link below to download the presentation (which includes audio). I am also including the paper version below for any of you that would prefer to read or would like to read along. Hope you enjoy it! Raunaq Saini – IP Presentation   […]