How AI is changing the Youtube landscape – Excitement & Concerns
History of AI on YouTube Since 2016, YouTube has used the power of AI to assist in its primary service: creating an algorithm that decides which videos to promote to viewers (1). This is done by assessing a viewer’s satisfaction with the video played based on factors such as watch time, engagement, and their personal […]
Spider-Man 2 features a New York that is slightly inaccurate due to Copyright Law
Hi everyone, If anyone is interested in the world of superheroes and/or video games, I came across a unique example of copyright law in action with the release of the new Spider-Man 2 game for PS5. To give players the most accurate version of New York City possible, Insomniac Games included 47 special landmarks in […]
Google & AI
Hi everyone, I stumbled upon this update about Google’s use of generative AI and thought a deeper dive into some of their new uses of AI would be interesting. As seen in this news article, Google has joined Microsoft, Adobe, and others in pledging to protect consumers who use their generative AI products from IP […]