A Short Trip to Switzerland
Since I spent most of my legal education in Switzerland and was now able to learn about some Canadian law approaches during my exchange term, I would like to turn the tables and, as my final project, familiarize you with a topic of Swiss IP law based on some of the cases we have just […]
Copyright Protection in the “Vibe” of Social Media Content?
A Texas court will soon have to decide whether the “vibes” of a social media creator – in this case, the “clean girl” or “beige home” aesthetic – are copyrightable. Can the use of a similar aesthetic (and not the copying of a single photo or video) even constitute copyright infringement? As we have seen, […]
“Text Mining” as Fair Dealing?
At the end of the last class, we realized that one of the pressing questions related to AI that courts around the world will soon have to answer is whether the equivalent of the Canadian “fair dealing” is met when generative AI uses copyrighted works to “learn”. That same day, I came across an interview […]
On Trend: Striking against Innovation
Dockworkers on strike in Portsmouth, Virgina on 1 October. JOSE LUIS GONZALEZ/REUTERS This week, 45,000 dockworkers on the U.S. East and Gulf Coasts went on strike demanding “absolute airtight language that there will be no automation or semi-automation”, costing billions of dollars a day and prompting Chris Wilson-Smith (The Globe and Mail) to recall a […]