3 responses to “Unf(Air) Canada”

  1. Anonymous

    Hi Allison! I happened to see your post while getting a few things together for the exam coming up on Wednesday and had to comment! This is so interesting and if they get sued I will be watching those proceedings like a hawk.

    I wonder if Mr. Cooperstock back at it again?!

    Thanks for posting 🙂


  2. Claire Lee

    This is such an interesting comparison! The Cooperstock case really highlighted the tension between trademark law and freedom of expression. If Air Canada were to pursue legal action, it’d be fascinating to see whether the court takes a more speech-protective approach this time—or sticks with the stricter confusion standard from Cooperstock.

  3. cl98

    This is such an interesting comparison! The Cooperstock case really highlighted the tension between trademark law and freedom of expression. If Air Canada were to pursue legal action, it’d be fascinating to see whether the court takes a more speech-protective approach this time—or sticks with the stricter confusion standard from Cooperstock.