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Source Recourse? Intellectual Property and Fanfiction

Source Recourse? Intellectual Property and Fanfiction

When we’ve fallen in love with a story, a character, or a fantasy land, there is a tendency to want to dive deeper into this fictional universe. The original creative minds may spur out sequels and spinoffs in response to fan demand – or they may not. Either way, it is almost guaranteed that the […]

How Intellectual Property Has Prevented North America from Getting a Sequel to Earthbound

How Intellectual Property Has Prevented North America from Getting a Sequel to Earthbound

As the exam season draws to a close, I, like many of you, will be spending my time away from school playing video games. One of my favourite video games is Earthbound. This is a Japanese role-playing game, or JRPG, which has the protagonist Ness attempt to save the world from aliens. The game was […]