IP Law Fall 22: An Appreciation

You were an amazing group to share the classroom with. A truly resilient group that overcame the vicissitudes of a semester which had far too few Mondays 😉 You were a group that on the whole wrote terrific exams that showed how engaged you were with the materials. Perhaps, most of all, you were so supportive and respectful of each other, and that made class especially fun for me.

Thank you!


P.S. One strange footnote to the exam. I finished drafting the exam on December 6, 2022. Came up with the idea of using Banksy just because…A couple of days later this story from December 4 was brought to my attention. It involves a lawsuit brought by Banksy. Life imitates art…literally and figuratively… https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/entertainment/visual-arts/story/2022-12-04/banksyland-and-the-proliferation-of-the-immersive-art-experience

2 responses to “IP Law Fall 22: An Appreciation”

  1. Kieran Barnhardt

    Just would like to share – I’ve recently been hired at an IP law firm in Tokyo (mostly patents, but also trademarks and designs). Looking forward to getting to know the industry on the ground. Thanks for the enjoyable and, as it turned out, very useful class, Professor.


  2. Jon Festinger

    Congrats Kieran. That’s great news.

    Regards, Jon