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vaccines and patents

vaccines and patents

Hey team, I came across this article today and I found it interesting. It sheds light on the intersection between  patents and accessibility of medical care. The director-general of the World Health Organization called to waive some IP rights (particularly patents) for the COVID-19 vaccines in order to make the vaccines more accessible. This has […]

Chanel suing Vancouver woman for her Instagram name

Chanel suing Vancouver woman for her Instagram name

Hey everyone, This is a story from 2016 but I still thought it was interesting to share! My partner went to school with a girl named Chanel who took the instagram handle “@chanel” when she made her instagram account in 2011. Apparently the company Chanel tried suing her to get that instagram handle in 2016. […]

Paper: A Clear Message on Crown Copyright

Paper: A Clear Message on Crown Copyright

Hi everyone, here is the link to my paper. Hope you enjoy! Lu_Paper_LAW 422_2021

How Music Copyright Lawsuits Are Scaring Away New Hits

How Music Copyright Lawsuits Are Scaring Away New Hits

Hello! While researching for a paper for another class I cam across an interesting article called “How Music Copyright Lawsuits are Scaring Away New Hits”. It discusses how the influx of copyright lawsuits in the music industry is stifling creativity and causing some artists and song writers to feel compelled to purchase insurance policies (costing […]

Paper: Introduction of the Protecting Lawful Streaming Act

Paper: Introduction of the Protecting Lawful Streaming Act

Hello everyone My paper topic is on the introduction of the Protecting Lawful Streaming Act in the US. I can’t really put in footnotes for my post on here, so I have included links to the bill and various articles at the bottom. Hope you find this somewhat interesting. After the Protecting Lawful Streaming Act […]

Is there Magic in those Mushrooms? Part 2 – Protecting New Psilocybin Derivatives

Is there Magic in those Mushrooms? Part 2 – Protecting New Psilocybin Derivatives

Hi everyone, I believe Professor Festinger had posted the original article about magic mushrooms during February 3 news of the week ( I happened to come across that original article and saw this follow up-article that provides some insight into patent law in the area. This article goes into a review of strategies for protecting chemical […]

Using copyright for the removal of “revenge pornography” online

Using copyright for the removal of “revenge pornography” online

Hello friends, I came across an interesting article in researching a paper for another class. I found it really remarkable because it highlights the extent of issues copyright can concern itself with: in this case, copyright infringement principles can be used by victims of “revenge pornography” (i.e. the non-consensual distribution of private sexual imagery) to […]

Week 8: Audio-Slides “Trademarks Part 2”
Week 8: Video & Slides – March 5, 2021

Week 8: Video & Slides – March 5, 2021

Slides & video below… Jon