
Amazon Prime Video uses AI to bring epic scenes to life in “House of David”

Amazon Prime Video uses AI to bring epic scenes to life in “House of David”

I stumbled upon this article and video over the weekend and thought it was interesting and relevant to our discussions in class. In the video, creator and co-show runner of Amazon Prime Video’s House of David, Jon Erwin, discusses how the studio used AI technology in 73 VFX shots (out of 850 total!) for the […]

Murals, Graffiti, and the Law: Art on the Edge

Murals, Graffiti, and the Law: Art on the Edge

Introduction Street art contributes significantly to the cultural and visual identity of urban landscapes. It encompasses a wide range of works. This paper will focus on two types of street art: murals and graffiti. While the first is typically commissioned or created with the permission of the property owner, city, or organization, the latter is often unauthorized and done without permission, making it a […]

Qualcomm may no Longer be Allowed to use ARM IP to Design CPUs

Qualcomm may no Longer be Allowed to use ARM IP to Design CPUs

Qualcomm is an American company that designs CPUs. ARM is a British company that licenses off-the-shelf CPU core designs to other manufacturers. Unlike the x86 architecture designed by Intel that is featured in virtually all modern desktops and laptops, ARM-based CPU designs are low power and are widely used in smartphones, cars, and the burgeoning […]

News of the Weeks Vol. 1 & 1A
Apple’s Lost Patent Battle: Out of Time?

Apple’s Lost Patent Battle: Out of Time?

If you were planning to give a loved one an Apple Watch for Christmas this year, I hope that you are not a last-minute shopper, because the newest versions of the beloved smart watch are being pulled from the Apple website on December 21st and from store shelves on December 24th. The reason? A patent […]

How Trademarks Can Potentially Promote Sustainable Fashion

How Trademarks Can Potentially Promote Sustainable Fashion

  One of the fundamental tenets of trademark law is to safeguard consumers. Trademarks are a type of intellectual property consisting of a word, phrase, symbol, logo, design, or expression distinguishing products or services from others and identifying their source.[1] For fashion brands, the use of trademarks endows “customer loyalty and generates commercial value”, thereby […]

Could there be Copyright in AI Generated Works

Could there be Copyright in AI Generated Works

Is it really intelligence if it is artificial?   As technology becomes more advanced, the lines between human intelligence and artificial intelligence blurs. What really is intelligence? And can it truly be “artificial?”   The Cambridge Dictionary Online defines intelligence as “the ability to understand and learn well, and to form judgments and opinions based […]

Meg’s IP Law Knitting Circle: Protecting Crochet Creators

Meg’s IP Law Knitting Circle: Protecting Crochet Creators

For my final LAW422 project, I wanted to explore the copyright protection and culture of copying among the crochet creators of YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. It is thanks to this online community that I was able to learn how to crochet many of my favourite fashion pieces and design some of my own. Therefore, rather […]

Does Copyright Subsist in My Embroidery Project of the Elements of Copyright?

Does Copyright Subsist in My Embroidery Project of the Elements of Copyright?

I hand-embroidered a design that lays out the elements of copyright, with main authorities and a few little icons. Each element has a checkbox, a few key words, and is in a different colour. Please see picture below! Residency Requirement:   Authorities: S 5, Copyright Act (RSC, 1985, c.C-42) [CA]: Subject to this Act, copyright […]

Protecting IP, Ambush Marketing, and Major Sports Events: The Vancouver 2010 Olympic Case Study

Protecting IP, Ambush Marketing, and Major Sports Events: The Vancouver 2010 Olympic Case Study

Hi IP’ers,   Hoping your exam seasons are wrapping up smoothly!   With former VANOC President and CEO, John Furlong, making his recent pitch to the Vancouver Board of Trade for the 2030 Olympic Winter Games, I thought it was fitting to explore how the 2010 Games handled their IP protections for my term paper. […]