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Formula One: Pumping the Brakes on Patents, Crashing in Trademarks

Formula One: Pumping the Brakes on Patents, Crashing in Trademarks

As an avid motorsport fan, it seemed fitting to do an examination of the trademark and patent law that subsists within the racing sphere. In any one category, there is enough information to fill a full course; thus, I’ve focused on some of the most recent events and developments, particularly within Formula One.   PATENTS […]

R.F. Kuang’s Yellowface – Copyright implications within the storyline

R.F. Kuang’s Yellowface – Copyright implications within the storyline

A few months ago, I read the book Yellowface by R. F. Kuang. The book is well written, and acts to comment on many issues including diversity and racism, but the main character is painfully unlikeable. In the novel, the main character, Juniper, is an aspiring but average novelist. She is present when her friend, […]

Cactus Club Confusion

Cactus Club Confusion

I was flying on Harbour Air the other day, and as we made our way over North Vancouver, I looked down to see a restaurant area with yellow umbrellas in the patio area. My first thought at the time was: is that a Cactus Club? The distinct yellow umbrellas in what appeared to be a […]