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Measuring consumer confusion regarding trademarks with brain scans

Measuring consumer confusion regarding trademarks with brain scans

I came across this interesting paper ( ) over  the weekend that attempts to use neuroscience techniques to measure consumer confusion between two marks and might become a new form of evidence in trademark cases. In class, we learned that consumer surveys can sometimes be used to demonstrate whether there is confusion between two marks. […]

Meg’s IP Law Knitting Circle: Protecting Crochet Creators

Meg’s IP Law Knitting Circle: Protecting Crochet Creators

For my final LAW422 project, I wanted to explore the copyright protection and culture of copying among the crochet creators of YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. It is thanks to this online community that I was able to learn how to crochet many of my favourite fashion pieces and design some of my own. Therefore, rather […]