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IP Infringements, Activism & Harm to Equity-Seeking Communities”

IP Infringements, Activism & Harm to Equity-Seeking Communities”

Hi everyone,  This week I’ve been thinking about the intersections between IP protections and activism as well as how infringements to such IP can cause real harm to marginalized communities.  I remembered a chat I had with an associate at a large Vancouver firm who was discussing taking on a pro-bono case to represent the […]

Historical figures with no photos: Can we get protections on images created of them?

Historical figures with no photos: Can we get protections on images created of them?

Hi everyone! I wanted to share an interesting article on whether someone’s face could be a trademark. Specifically, I was intrigued by the issue of whether there is trademark for figurative signs representing how historical figures might have looked like. When I watch TV shows or movies situated in an era far back in time, […]