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Trademark Collaborations: Yeezy x Gap, Biebs x Tim’s

Trademark Collaborations: Yeezy x Gap, Biebs x Tim’s

If you have been in or around a Tim Horton’s in the past few weeks, you may have seen the current promotion involving Justin Bieber. Beanies, tote bags, Tim Bits boxes and even fanny packs bear the tim x biebs mark. This collaboration is incredibly bizarre to me. Aside from being famously Canadian brands, I […]

Did Mr. Big’s death kill Peloton’s goodwill?

Did Mr. Big’s death kill Peloton’s goodwill?

*(spoiler alert if you want to watch the Sex and the City Reboot)* I am sure many of you are familiar with this story, but in case some of us aren’t major ‘Sex in the City’ fans, I thought I would share a brief post on it about a recent trademark issue that came up […]

Did Lululemon Innovate Leggings and Sportsbras?

Did Lululemon Innovate Leggings and Sportsbras?

Hi All, I found this article on patent infringement quite intriguing. Lululemon is suing Peloton for patent infringement in US court on several of its apparel items, namely sports bras and leggings. Maybe this highlights the differences between American and Canadian patent law or maybe this highlights my own ignorance in fashion. However, in Canada, […]